General Information
The 1800 PFM 1-1/2" and 2" industrial regulator is designed for applications requiring medium-to-high capacity, precise outlet pressure control and fast response to changing loads. It is suited for use with meters having base capacities up to 11,000 CFH.
An 1800 PFM handles varying inlet pressures up to 125 PSIG
while controlling a set constant outlet pressure within ±1% of the absolute set pressure over a wide range of flow rates. It is ideal for fixed factor measurement at metering pressures from 0.5 to 30 PSIG.
* Pilot loading and pressure balancing across a large main diaphragm eliminates the droop of spring-loaded regulators for stable, non-pulsating control over a wide range of flows.
* High tensile ductile iron valve head. Screwed or flanged connections.
* Inlet pressure tap standard.
* Pilot filter available.
* EC orifice compensates for wide variations in inlet pressure, eliminating the inlet pressure effect. Large orifice provides fast response to sudden load changes.
* Outlet pressure set point adjustment.
* High strength and light weight die cast aluminum case and top.
* Outlet pressure tap standard.
* Premachined valve head and case allow conversion from standard to monitor model.
* Orifice and seat disc easily accessible for inspection.
A worker/monitor regulator installation consists of a regulator with an external static connection and a regulator with an internal static connection. The regulator selected to be the monitor is set at 2" to 5" w.c. above the controlling regulator. Upstream monitoring, as shown in the sketch above, is more commonly used. The external static connection should be connected at a point free of turbulence and preferably a minimum of five pipe diameters downstream. A worker-to-monitor conversion kit is available.